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Old February 20th, 2002
afisk afisk is offline
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 6th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high

Thanks for all of the comments. Our apologies for not responding to some of the threads -- we really do have limited resources and have to make a tradeoff between working on the program and answering people's questions or responding to their comments. As you probably know, I and the other LimeWire people who post here are the developers who actually write the software (and there are only five of us!), so it's just a constant battle to try to get to everything!

We are working on the resuming issue in various ways. Actually, we're really tackling it by just improving the general architecture of the network so that resuming will improve along with a bunch of other things. The changes will really be on two fronts: 1) HUGE (Hash/URN Gnutella Extension), as mentioned above, will introduce a really nice scheme for efficiently finding duplicate of file on the network in a really robust way, which will improve resumes when you need to resume from another host and 2) Far better swarmed downloading using HTTP 1.1, which will make resuming an issue less often. This change will significantly improve download speeds.

So, we have at least a couple a neat features coming along in LimeWire 2.3.0 fairly soon. We will also be updating the integrated player at least on OS X to use the native QuickTime API, so you'll get the best sound available on any system, at least on OS X. We may integrate this as an optional download on other platforms as well.