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Old March 18th, 2007
tartop tartop is offline
Join Date: December 3rd, 2006
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tartop is flying high
Default Users Who Share Files With Viruses


Why does Limewire allow users to share files with viruses or spyware or other damaging files on their on their shared files???

I have been paying for Limewire Pro for almost 2 years now, and always pay the fee every 6 months or whenever it is due. Why can't limewire block the ip addresses of those who are sharing files with viruses or spyware, of course I always scan a file before I open it, and never download an exe file, but if Limewire has the ip address of a user sharing these files can't they block them?? I realize there are probably millions of people using Limewire, but there has to be a way to get rid of these creeps...

When I find one of course I block the ip address, and supposedly their ip address will not show up, but I have instances where I blocked an ip address and it showed up again when I did a search.

Is there a place to report ip addresses who are sharing files with viruses or spyware files in their files they share??? If not then maybe Limewire should embed that function in the product...

Here is one ip address I had to block because they are sharing files with either a virus or a spyware file in their zip file ip ************
It really makes me mad when people do this, and you try to chat with them, and of course they have their chat disabled, so I can do nothing about it.

I chose to pay for Limewire pro hoping to get better service than just using the free version, but if this is the way it is going to be and Limewire can't stop these people, then why pay???

If this is posted in the wrong section I apologize, I do not usually post here, just mainly read...

Thank You...

Last edited by wondering why; March 18th, 2007 at 03:59 PM.
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