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Old March 19th, 2007
patrick1105 patrick1105 is offline
Join Date: March 19th, 2007
Posts: 4
patrick1105 is flying high
Default Installation limewire

Hello everybody, i'm from holland and my english isn't very well..
i've a problem with my limewire. I've a new pc, and i download limewire, and then he said: The LimeWire online installer will now try to download files necessardy for installation. If you have a firewall and see a warning please allow the installer access to the internet. Press OK to continue. I press on the OK button, and than: please wait... if there is nog progress for several minutes, please restart the installer. He does it a serval seconds later, and then it goes very slow.. to 0 kbps. And he doesn't do it. My internet is well. He's now on 253 KB of 3025 KB, but he don't do it anymore. My internet is also down now... If i close limewire installation then, my internet do it..
I've also limewire Pro, and he does it well, but i can't make any connection. My internet doesn't do it then again! Can please someone help me? Without any Limewire my connection is good. Thankyou..
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