Thread: search problems
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Old March 20th, 2007
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Originally Posted by jcryts
will buying lime pro change any of this is it really that much better than the basic
Buying Pro probly will not make much of a difference, the changes are subtle and most of us consider buying Pro as a donation to help develope LW. The Basic version is a very good program.

Are you sure your not mistaking the number of "sources" for the number of "files". That number shown represents the # of sources available not the number of different files.

Say you did a search for "Cheeze" and got 100 in the search results, but it's only showing 3 files.

Cheeze 100

50 Swiss Cheeze
30 Cheddar Cheeze
20 Longhorn Cheeze

You see? 100 sources but only 3 files.

After you do a search, make sure you have "All Files" ticked in the window to the left of the search window.

available not the number of different files.

Say you did a search for "Cheeze" and got 100 in the search results, but it's only showing 3 files.

Cheeze 100

50 Swiss Cheeze
30 Cheddar Cheeze
20 Longhorn Cheeze

You see? 100 sources but only 3 files.

Another possibility is that LW has marked the missing files as junk and it is set to not show the junk files. You can change that setting in LW by going to Tools>Options>Filters>Junk, and checking the option you want, then click apply.

Also you should be aware of the large amount of fake files being circulated on the network. This thread has all the info you need to get the best search results from LW: How to find music
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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