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Old February 21st, 2002
diode diode is offline
Join Date: January 14th, 2002
Location: Bay Area, CA
Posts: 6
diode is flying high
Unhappy So is anyone going to give me an answer?

I paid to register this application thinking it would work, but it doesn't.

If there is something I am doing wrong, I would have expected floods of replies to my last message.

The environment is very simple:

Two machines, 1 ip address apart:

x.x.x.248 and x.x.x.249

The x.x.x.248 is playing the role of the server, it has Limewire Pro running sharing 16 files.

On the other one, I bring up limewire and try to search for files on the server, and it never shows any.
In addition, if I search from work, or other locations with the Pro or non pro versions, it NEVER shows any results, even though it always shows TONS of other searches coming through at unbearable rates.

IN addition, I have tried ADDING the x.x.x.248 IP address to the client to have it connect directly, with no results.

If this simple client/server configuration doesn't work, then the whole GNUtella network is seriously flawed. If I am doing something wrong, I would have expected more than 1 reply to my original message. Are there any Limewire programmers on here?
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