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  #24 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2002
SRL SRL is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 24th, 2001
Posts: 144
SRL is flying high

Problem is they've been "working" on this same problem *forever*. LimeWire has always been infamous as one of the worst peers for resuming files - makes it kind of useless for anything larger than a few meg.

Many other gnutella peers (Gnucleus for one) manage this quite well with the current protocol by just having a re-search option to find more sources.

LW tries half-heartedly, but if it can't resume immediately it either overwrites (should never be allowed to happen) or more likely just gives up enitrely. There's nothing more frustrating than having 90% of a 100+ meg file in your download folder, being able to find more sources in a search, but having absolutely no way to use them to resume.
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