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Old March 23rd, 2007
limewireuserabuser limewireuserabuser is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2006
Posts: 30
limewireuserabuser is flying high
Default unable to delete mpg

I downloaded what I thought was a motocross jump video, it turned out to be a porno movie, when I try to delete it I get an error message that its being used by another program... This is the second time this happened, the first was worst, it didnt give me any options on right click other than play, play with or add to windows media playlist...
Now, for those of you who are smart asses and say something funny, let me tell you that I do have a nice collection of porn in my computer which I did download, but as far as these files are concerned, I was really looking to get these motocross videos...
I never had this problem before, and I think if this gets any more common, it will steer people away from using Limewire... could it be that it is being done on purpose for this reason? or is it some jerks who figured out they can put this out just for fun?
I got no clue...
download from
install and reboot in safe mode, delete file.
very simple, but not for someone who doesnt know much about computers, could happen at work when you think youre downloading something for work, at home, your wife might think youre downloading some c heap porn, your kids might be looking for a lost disney episode, who knows...
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