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Old March 25th, 2007
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mickjapa108 mickjapa108 is offline
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Join Date: February 2nd, 2006
Location: England
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mickjapa108 has a spectacular aura about

Larsenator. Hi.
You need to ask direct Questions, Are you filtering,shaping,or blocking any ports using P2P networks.?
Ask!! What is your policy on P2P ?
Insist, that they give there reply in writing. That makes them come clean.
If they confirm what I believe, Then vote with your MAC code and get an ISP
That Respects your right to choose what Software you run on your computer.

P.S.. Help keep open information sharing alive & free.
We are not sheep to be herded into lines & channeled to except whatever ulterior motive, price,or advert they wish to stuff on us.
I have a car, I use it on the world wide road,(Network) Now! I can choose to
Kill with it,or transport grandma to the shop,the choice is always mine.
LimeWire is legal software, & you should have the right to use it, or abuse it
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