A couple of ways to maximize connections to certain countries is to manage your Ultrapeers in the Connections pane, and be online during that country's "prime time."
Prime time is usually weekends and early in the evening. So European users will be more likely to be online 4-7 hours earlier than N. Americans
Use LW's view menu to trun on the "Connections" pane to see the list of Ultrapeers. Look closely at the Hosts column, and after a while you'll see the IP often resolve to a domain name. Try deleting the domains near you , and just keep the domains with european domains, like the .de for Germany, or .nl for the Netherlands. You can sometimes browse hosts from the connections pane, so that may help you see what files may be available in those areas.
This probably won't make much difference, but it can be fun to try . Gnutella searches can get to most of the network no matter where you are, so it's more important to find the right search terms.
cheers |