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Old March 29th, 2007
larsenator4000 larsenator4000 is offline
Join Date: March 15th, 2007
Posts: 31
larsenator4000 is flying high

Originally Posted by mickjapa108
If bearshare works, it connects to the same network, so in theiry you should
get the same search resolts, So give it a try.
Let us know how it works with Macafee.

P.S.. Its not the only firewall you have, You also have the option of using windows firewall.
This is not my computer it is the family computer and I'm pretty damn sure that my mom would not approve of me removing a 3 year subscription to Macafee that SHE PAID FOR. I have conected 4 differnet occasions now to Limewire with all firewalls on and all. One time I left it connected for 2 days and it kept working!!! It stopped working when I was dowloading music like it hit a limit or something...but when I wasn't using it it was fine! You can't say that those 2 DAYS were some huge error within Macafee...
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