I have a local isp that I have used with great results for nine years. Things were going great until a month or so ago when suddenly things went to crap. At first it was just a case of downloads not starting when there were more than 10 sources. As long as I picked a file with less than 10 sources I would zip along at my usual 45-65KB/s but if the file had more than 10 sources there was a 99% chance that the file would just sit there "connecting" until I finally canceled it from frustration. Now I don't seem to have that issue but now if I get 15-20 KB/s on downloads I feel lucky but generally I get around 10KB/s which is nothing like what it was and has been for several years for me. My son plays online games with no issues, I can download files from anywhere else on the net with no problem so to me I don't see how it's an isp issue. That's why I finally posted a thread after searching through other threads in hopes of finding some clue as to what my limewire was doing. |