Even though some of those bands are indie and would just benefit from these kinds of discussions, I have a feeling this would be considered illegal discussion here thus breaking the rules of the forum.
The new [
edit] CD is pretty great, but I don't know whether it's on Limewire. IMO so good that buying it is absolutely an option here. It called: [
Also the new [
edit] is quite good if you like the genre. It will be out on the 17th. Previews and leaked songs are available all over the net. Think they leaked them on purpose to gain publicity.
Use Limewire to supplement your collection. It's not really supposed to take over. A great way to try before you buy, because let's face it. A lot of the CDs pretty much suck.
If you like alternative upbeat stuff too, [
Edited to comply with the House Rules.
Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form. Honestly Sleepless you know better !!