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Old April 7th, 2007
Eagle9955 Eagle9955 is offline
Join Date: April 7th, 2007
Posts: 1
Eagle9955 is flying high

Ok i got the answer to your problem and your gunna be mad trust me, verizon denys it but the westell 6100 has a firewall built in. heres how to disable the annying thing well at least it says it dos but not full trust me it interfears with my gaming. call up verizon and tell get tech on the phone tell them you want to disable the westell 6100 built in firewall, you will get told thair isent one tell them BS and you want to disable it thairs a way to log into the modem via internet and disable the firewall thow it never fully disables. but like that you will be able to use limewire

i did notice someone has a qoute that i might use abut this modem to get it replaced with one that dont have the firewall. ( if its not broken, fix it till it is) i think ill use it with this modem somehow i want my gameing back
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