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Old April 8th, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Have you tried checking the file on Bitzi ? How to use Bitzi Web Lookup. It may not be listed there anyway but it's at least worth checking.

My 1st thought is fake files. However with your experience if you feel it's not, then I am not sure. It would be worth checking to see if the ip address of the sharer is the same as the others who are sharing the series. Find that out by attempting to direct connect or browse them.

Another option is to try broadening your search. Sometimes series are offered but might not be found under the same search criteria. They may be named differently. Perhaps try using a all types search, or adding the main actor's name to the search, etc.

BTW unlike windows, fake files are easier to detect on a mac using LW. It's related to their behaviour when you're trying to connect to those files.

There is a small chance the host of the series has banned your ip address. Not sure why, perhaps hammering requests automatically banning you but new versions of LW won't let you do that. If your previous version of LW was more than 2-3 years old then that might be the case. Else your ip was banned by accident (only by that host).
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