Thread: unburnable?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I've experienced the situation where every file downloaded since upgrading to 2.1.3 is rejected by Toaster when I try to burn a CD. I've heard a lot of advice about using QuickTime to convert, about shortening the names of files and adding the right suffix to the name... as below:

4-2Q. On my Macintosh computer, all my MP3 downloads appear as LimeWire documents or LimeWire docs. None of my software players can recognize these files. How can I fix this?
4-2A. Try shortening the file name and adding the appropriate extension (i.e. mp3 for a song) manually to the file name. The maximum length of a file name on a Mac is 32 characters. You can also play MP3 LimeWire docs with a program called MacAmp.

... I found that the "blank page" LimeWire files have names that already comply with the above suggestions. They play, not through the LimeWire interface, but they are simply spit-out by Toaster. I've heard that Musicvac will convert these files back into something usable... but much effort in trying to track down this freeware lead to a puzzling string of dead-ends.

LimeWire and Toaster worked beautifully before upgrading. Mp3s downladed as beautiful little QuickTime files that burned beautifully. Now they don't.

Any suggestions about this?
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