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Old April 9th, 2007
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birdy birdy is offline
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LW downloads are saved by default to the HDD. So unless your daughter's changed the location of her saved folder from the default, her downloads should be safe. She can check the saved location by going (in LW) tools > options > saving. The default saved location (I guess you're using Windows) is C:\Documents and Settings\her name\Shared. That's a safe location.

If you're going to reinstall LW, don't uninstall via Add/Remove Programs. Go to start > all Progs > LW & use the uninstall option. Or C:\Program Files\Limewire\uninstall.

You can try uninstalling if you like, but if it's a block by AT&T you (she) might just have to be patient & hope the problem goes away in time.

If you're not familiar with LW, maybe your daughter could get on here & post...might be a bit less confusing for her?

Last edited by birdy; April 9th, 2007 at 10:32 PM.
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