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Old April 10th, 2007
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Default File Size!

I would vote yes ....but?

what prevents the creators of these files from say....doubling the size?

for instance we know a file size of 197.kb is not a song, but if they change the size to 500.kb or 1000.kb. some songs ARE actually short (or small)

i don't know how they make these files, but i assume because they are all small that that's the most productive? prudent? size? but if they ARE filtered out i'm sure they WILL try something else, or something bigger.

as usual, it's not the "product" so much as the "procurer".

i would love to see all bad (s***) files gone from LW, the only way that will happen is if people stop DL that S***!!!!!

we don't need a filter so much as a ban on idiots that share that crap.

the one filter that we really need is a filter to weed out the dumba**es that use LW.

p.s. if the shoe fits, get off LW, and take your s*** with you!
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