I just reread my post - I did not say that you don't understand college. What I said was that the budget most colleges set aside for Internet access does not cover the bandwidth necessary for filesharing. As you pointed out, you are painfully aware of what that budget is because it is passed right on to you, in the form of a massive bill. However massive that bill is, however inflated that price may seem (and I went to college fairly recently so I know those numbers get high quickly), the price you are paying is intended to cover a certain level of usage which a Gnutella client would exceed. If you find a way to get around the restrictions and run your client anyway, that will only cause the price to go up even higher, even faster than it already is. In turn, that increase in fees will be passed on to your fellow students, many of whom are in the same dire financial straits as you are. How do you feel when you look at your bill and see fees for things you, personally, never use? It is just as unfair of you to create higher fees for others. Cold as this sounds, if you can't afford the additional connection, you can't afford to do filesharing. |