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Old April 10th, 2007
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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This sounds useful, but why would you want to use torrents?

A magnet-link with a working first source and/or an ip-cache libe the one at freebase works quite well.

For a first model of trusted lists, you don't need cryptography, but simply a web-address which gives you the security, that the owner of the website is the publisher (which lacks a web of trust, but works as first step).

And when you're at that, you can just use the decentral content distribution of Phex:

It downloads new files with every start of the program (because downloading more often didn't seem necessary, yet).

For download it uses magnet-links and Gnutella.

You can try it out by downloading one of the Polar-Skulk programs (modified Phex'):

Besides: We need people who search for free files and publish them decentrally via Phex.
What you need is a flatrate, a dyndns-host and a 24/7 Phex.

More infos:
- FAQ:
- Forum:

What you need to do as of yet to publish a show is:

- Sharing only your shows.
- Putting the new show into your share along with the others.
- Click "export" in the Phex Libraray and choose "include your IP".
- upload the exported file to your server.

When you're uploading for the first time, you also need to inform us, that you're publishing the files and that you'd like to have them included in the Decentral Content Subscription.

If you instead want to create your own feed of content, you need to tell your visitors to add the URL of your uploaded magma-list to their Phex' (this needs fairly copetent users as of now, but if you ask in our forum, if that could be made easier, our main dev might add an easier way to subscribe to a new feed. It's been discussed for some time, but there never seemed to be enough need of easy adding of feeds to include it _now_ - instead of other features).

All the possibilities of doing this are there (except direct FTP-access via Phex, but that shouldn't be too hard either), it just isn't polished, yet.

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