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Old April 11th, 2007
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The current version of LW works with Vista. The problem most people are having is is that LW won't work with Mcafee on Vista. So if you have McAfee installed on your pc, you'll need to uninstall it for LW to work. Replace it with AVG free Or try what LeeLee80 did:
Originally Posted by LeeLee80
I contacted McAfee and they advised me to uninstall the spam killer and privacy service, which I did, and then I downloaded limewire again (and it actually worked from the online installer!) limewire is now working fine.
Then d/load and install Java 6, the one called (Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6u1) using the offline installer

Then d/load and install LW using the offline installer:
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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