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Old April 12th, 2007
Nevermore Nevermore is offline
Join Date: April 12th, 2007
Posts: 3
Nevermore is flying high
Default hmmm...

I am Trying to set up limewire on my new macbook, this is my first time using a mac so forgive me if I am apple ignorant.
I went to Airport admin utility
It did not ask me to update probably because I run updater often.
but I did not see an "Airport" Tab.
Or anything like Base Station options...
Hopin for help
thanks, bye

e in Software Update), then run the AirPort Admin Utility. If it asks you to update your base station's firmware, make sure that you do so, as NAT-PMP requires the latest firmware. Go to the "AirPort" tab and click the "Base Station Options..." button. In the sheet that drops down, turn on the "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" checkbox in the "Ethernet Port Security" tab. Ignore the erroneous note Apple has placed regarding 10.4 - LimeWire will work with NAT-PMP on OS X 10.3 as well (see sample image below.)
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