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Old April 12th, 2007
skyguy52 skyguy52 is offline
Join Date: April 12th, 2007
Location: Michigan
Posts: 6
skyguy52 is flying high

Originally Posted by soulangel723
I figured out the problem! Go to your connections tab. (if you don't see the tab click on View, then Show/Hide and then Connections) Any server that starts with the numbers 204 blah blah blah is BAD. Remove it and Limewire will automatically detect a new one. Keep doing this repeatedly until all these bad servers are gone. You should be able to search again.

Another way to check a bad server is by clicking on the server and then clicking browse host. If you get an error msg, remove the server.
I am new to LimeWire. Recently, I do not get any search results. Could someone tell what I should do. I tried following the above instructions to correct the problem, but I'm still not getting any search results. Thank you.
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