Yep, that's a Peak Web Hosting rack. There are two ranges to block, just so
those hostile servers have to move to another hosting provider before trying
again. Naturally whenever I find a spammer or other hostile on a commercial
rack I block that whole rackspace provider permanently. I had their 204 range
blocked already but this info just led to a new 8.4.34-35 range when I
checked them again.
Good tip! Thanks!
These are the three formats most firewalls use. The first is PG, the second is
a typical address/mask typical of most firewalls [and BearShare or LimeWire
4.13] and the third is the straight CIDR style.
Peak Web Hosting:
Peak Web Hosting:
I think I'll run a worldwide search on "hosting". Might as well jump a step
ahead on these racks instead of waiting for new hostiles to pop up. I already
do "colocation" globally every month…
…Not bad. 170 hits on that "hosting" search. Time to pump out an update! ;]