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Old April 15th, 2007
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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hi ukool ,

I find a lot of downloads get no further than the awaiting sources stage. Some are for the reason that the host has gone offline, or for some technical reason, a download is not possible, ..... but, I am fairly sure that the majority are fake files which will never download.

If the files go to awaiting sources, I usually scrap them and re-search, and generally find what I'm looking for, and that is what I advise you to do.

Some very rare files I will keep in my download window, and once in a while they will download after a week or ten , but the files have to be very rare indeed for me to do that.

This link might help. You haven't said if you generally have success downloading, or what type of files you are looking for, but I hope you find it useful

I hope I helped a bit
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