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Old April 15th, 2007
Stormer861 Stormer861 is offline
Join Date: April 15th, 2007
Posts: 2
Stormer861 is flying high
Default Converting vids to DVD issues...

I don't know if this is the right area or not, but here goes:

Some WMV's, AVI's and other vids that I've DL'ed, I can burn to/as a DVD no problem. Others though, my converting program (Nero) says that there is no sound stream (even if there is) so it can't burn it/convert it to a DVD. Does anyone know why this is? It seems that about 40% of the vids I've DL'ed can't be converted to a DVD...but they play fine on WMV'er.

Being a PC layperson, I've no clue as to what is up...

Thanks in advance.
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