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Old April 17th, 2007
beanie65 beanie65 is offline
Join Date: April 16th, 2007
Posts: 2
beanie65 is flying high

no its not that, for example when if i wanted to download ******, i search ****** find the file and it states quality and how many stars, # ,? showing realplayer icon, name- ******, Type either mpeg/mov/exe/avi etc, Size and so on. it so i click the film i can click all of them for all it matters the outcome is always the same, the film goes to the bottom box to download and when it loads in there it comes up with the little exe box with icons init and instead of saying ****** in the name it says Movie if i have downloaded more than one from that search it says movies(1) (2) and so on does that make sense now? its really bugging me. i can play the files in VLC but not in realplayer or wmp


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Last edited by birdy; April 17th, 2007 at 01:07 AM.
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