UnDeRsLuNkY Hi
I'm using the Black skin for L/W its much kinder on my eyes, So when you say!!
First in #1
"the progress bar dropped! DOWN TO ZERO!! Then started again"
Then in #13
"The progress got to 89 percent. Then all of a sudden the
green bars actually dropped in about 20 seconds down to zero and the download started again at zero."
Rightly or wrongly, You tell me!!, I took it that the
s in "green bar
s" was a type error.
I took it you were referring to the progress bar of a single file, Not the connection bars in the bottom left corner.
Remoc Hi
I said!! "So its looking like a bug in 4.13 so far unless YOU lot can prove me wrong
Anyone els had this happen ? say what version of L/W you use THANKS."
Sorry Its just my way of asking for feedback, It wasn't aimed at you personally my friend

I think i caused the misunderstanding by lumping your prob, wrongly together
with UnDeRsLuNkY's, which clearly we can see now, it was not related.
I apologizes for the confusion
Sleepless Hi.
Do you still have the installer for 4.9.37, as I am archiving as many old L/W installers as I can find, Its the most popular old one I see.
Border collie's, they have more intelligence than most humans & great with kids.
P.S... A user Pets gallery, would be nice to brighten up these forums.
I did here someone, once, reefer to L/W as a community LOL.
I posted Desiderata to brighten up the place once and it was deleted
Don't tell me copyright extends 400 years.
Your friendly idiot