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Old February 25th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up I got a Cease & Desist Letter!

Did you get a Cease & Desist letter? Want to know what to do if you get one?
The EFF put together a new site "" at

"The Chilling Effects project works by publishing cease-and-desist letters received by Internet
users and providing detailed information about the relevant legal rules. For example, if an
Internet user receives a letter demanding that she remove a synopsis of a "Star Trek" episode
from her website, members of the Chilling Effects team would post the letter online, embedding
it with links to information about basic copyright protections, the rules governing synopses, and
the fair use doctrine.

"EFF receives hundreds of requests for help and information from recipients of
cease-and-desist letters," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "This project should help
individuals gain access to greatly needed information as well as allow us to track who is sending
these letters and research larger trends."

(you should make this sticky or at least add the link to your sites)
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