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Old April 22nd, 2007
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Join Date: September 11th, 2005
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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wondering why is just really nice

Don't have all of those Antivirus apps on your computer, they will clash with each other and won't protect you at all...

Keep either Advast or Antivir or AVG, All 3 are good, but choose only one..
Keep AVG antispyware
Keep Peerguardian
Keep Spybot

I'm not sure about Bitdefender I have never used it...

I have AVG antispyware, Ad-Aware, Spybot...
And AVG Antivirus...

I'm not familiar with moving the incomplete folder around, but you might want to set your folders back to default, hopefully they will return to normal..

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...
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