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Old April 22nd, 2007
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Hi caseybob,

Any relation to Bob Casey, a Senator from my state. I voted for him .

From that article(it is more that a year old), I get that Azureus is encrypting the file bits before sending them out, effectively camouflaging them so isp's don't recognize them and restrict their bandwidth. I think that only works for people using Azureus, because once recieved, the bits would have to be unencrypted. Azureus from what I've heard is a good program and you should give it a try. Here's the link:

LimeWire doesn't use encryption, so it probably won't work for you as far as uploading(sharing) files goes.
LW is just another client that can handle BitTorrents, there are quite a few that do. It's a relatively new feature in LW and is only available in the Beta release.

I don't have much experience with torrent files. I've only d/loaded one so far. Torrent files aren't shared the same way other files are in LW. You have to go to a site that offers torrent files(try googling) and and click the d/load button for the file you want(similar to magnet links), and the file wil be sent to LW. Once there it may take time for it to find sources to get the file from. Also I don't think LW keeps track of the share ratio like other bt clients do. Remember it's still pretty new for LW and I'm sure it'll be improved in future releases.

There's a BitTorrent faq here: It has a lot of info if you feel like reading.

Hope this help a little. My knowledge is quite limited .
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