Ok dudes, i am loyal fan of Shareaza, but i want to leave Windows behind to go after a GNU/GPL replacement like Linus Minix (Aka Linux), so, i am trying to port this great program to Ubuntu 7.4 using
Wine (Windows Emulator for Linux), so, here are the results,
Everything went perfect, as if i were using Win Xp instead of Uuntu, no directory problems.
There is no problem the central app or none of it's dll's, i have configured Shareaza with no problems.
Here is the tricky thing, as i don't know how to handle IpTables (Linux default Firewall), this data is not accurate, but the router is port-forwarded already, anyway, getting back to the main idea, it connected to G2 even with the issue mentioned above, but only connected to 1 peer, it couldn't connect to G1 or Ed2k good either.
Appearently, no search results, so, i suppose something did not went well.
But, i annotate that one must not send it to tray as it won't be close-able (had to reboot for that =P).
Another thing, is that since version 2.2.50 the connection process is so susceptible to false positives of a firewall.
This is for showing results off, this is not intended for showing any bugs.
If you want a detailed log, post the request.