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Old April 26th, 2007
The Tid The Tid is offline
Join Date: April 24th, 2007
Posts: 13
The Tid is flying high

Looking at this thread, it seems just about everyone has the same problem - they cannot connect. Why doesn't Limewire sort this out?

Ok, this is my problem.

I'm using Mac OS X 10.4.9 on iMac + plenty of RAM and free HD space, I have broadband with tiscali and a Netgear router linked by ethernet cable. I have OS X firewall switched on (the brick wall always shows in LW), but it SOMETIMES connects me through it, and SOMETIMES it doesn't. When it connects I have 4 or 5 green bars showing and I can sit there for hours quite happily.

But next time I launch LW, it's all gone. I have one green bar and nothing comes up when I search.

If I delete LW and all the Preferences, and install it all again, SOMETIMES this works and gives me a connection, SOMETIMES it doesn't. There is no way to predict this.

One thing is for sure - if it doesn't give me a connection, then doing that fix in System Prefs where you tell it which port to 'listen' at (from LW prefs) NEVER makes a difference.

The only thing that ever works, is to delete everything and re-install, and then just hope and pray that THIS time I get a connection. It shouldn't be this arbitrary, should it? Is there any way I can guarantee a connection when I launch LW?

I am at my wits end over this.
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