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Old April 30th, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Running Limewire without a firewall


Like the other replies to your query, I too believe it is stupid (nay, criminal) to run your PC at anytime you are on the internet or P2P network without a firewall.

For example, every 12 - 15 minutes an unprotected PC is being hacked somewhere in the world, that PC, once compromised can be used as a zombie, i.e. used in DOD attacks against online gambling and financial institutions, your ID can be stolen (and sold on) for fraudulent purposes and, of course, your PC can be used for any number of criminal activities without you knowing about it.

Those are only a few of the things that can happen but if you do not care about your own security and/or have very little stored on your PC of any value then such things as firewalls and anti-virus apps are an irrelevance.

UK Bob
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