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Old March 7th, 2001
Maxim Maxim is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2001
Posts: 14
Maxim is flying high

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by konrad_h:
1. I prefer Furi to LimeWire as it is true Freeware and no company is behind it.

2. I prefer Furi to LimeWire as it has this enormous list of servers available on the gnutella network (even the ones i am not connected to).
Thanks, I'll check it out.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by konrad_h:

3. If one of those central servers (which only hold a list of peers, nothing more, nothing less) get kicked, it is only too simple to set up a new one.

DonĀ“t worry, there is nearly anything that can be done against gnutella.

Unless ... if some of the "Bad Guys" figure out how to find the individual user easily and find ways of punishing him (or her). I am pretty sure the americans (NSA, FBI, M$ or whoever) are working on this right now.
Well, I doubt the FBI or NSA can be bothered to deal with this ... I'd wager they're more concerned with investigating our former president in order to deflect scandals surounding our current president, but that's another story ....

What *can* be done, as per my posts in other threads is for the RIAA to dowload copyrighted material, track the ip addy of the servent (very very easy to do ... ever typed "netstat" at your command prompt?), and go after the individuals by demanding their isp drop their service. Will they do this? Hard to say ... my guess is "probably" ... afterall, that's how Metallica got lots of Napster users banned from the service a while back. Only difference here is that you're shutting down the offenders' access to the entire internet, instead of just to napster.
Will it be effective? Only time will tell.

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