Old Slow Hand Hi.
BT has a fair user policy, So P2P is not working from 6pm to 11pm I think.
If you have many large avi files to D/L try letting them D/L overnight, or set it to run while your at work.
Click on this blue link, it will open on Bt Hub page to configure it for L/W.
PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall
XP firewall on or off.?
Go Start/Control Pannel/Security Centre/Windows Firewall,& turn off XP F/W, 2 firewalls active at the same time may conflict.
Update your java its a little old.
Now! Go to,
START/Set Program Access/Change or Remove Programs,
now completely remove all versions of java.
Re BOOT Your computer NOW.
Now! Use this Link to get (jre-6u1-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe) Use the off line installer, NOT the (recommended) one,
Java SE Downloads
When Download is completed.
Disconnect from internet, close ALL apps n reinstall java.