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Old May 7th, 2007
alorenm alorenm is offline
Join Date: May 5th, 2007
Posts: 2
alorenm is flying high
Unhappy Downloading/uploading problem

I am having problems with my downloads, the songs that I really want aren't downloading. They either say awaiting sources or need more sources. My connection seems to be ok though at least I think.

1. I have a Dell Inspiron 6000 (Windows XP)
2. I expanded the capacity of my space on my drive from the limit of 10 to 50.
3. I believe my firewall is McAfee, but I am using my schools version which seems pretty old so I do not know how to access my firewall info.
4. I store my music on my data to go 40 external hard drive which has 28.0 GB free space.
5. My C: drive has 3.16 GB free space.
6. I am currently using broadband connection.
7. I do not know the #'s of the model or anything because I am not using a router.
8. I am trying to connect from my schools lan line.
9. I am using lime wire 4.12.11 and Java 1.5.0_11.
10. I believe my ISP is gateway.
11. When I try to do the test to test my it says page cannot be displayed.
12. No, I don't think I am sharing my music with anyone.
13. I have used lime wire before, it has given me the same problem before but it never took this long for my music to download.
14. There is no brick wall infront of my limewire interface.

I have been waiting for days for my music to download and it is not downloading.

Can someone please assist me.

Thank You for your help,
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