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Old May 8th, 2007
notanotherlovesong notanotherlovesong is offline
Join Date: April 10th, 2007
Posts: 3
notanotherlovesong is flying high

Originally Posted by stief View Post
All your info looks normal, including the port.

I just tried the and it worked, so try again. If it doesn't work again, you may be blocked by your ISP (which is outside of your machine). Call their help desk and ask if they allow connections to the gnutella network

The firewall indicator is always on until you get decent connections, so keep trying to connect.

btw, the RAM is listed in the Apple Menu->About this Mac box.
ok well i still can't get that url to work.

it must be a problem with my ISP or my router because i was able to connect to limewire just fine using my neighbours internet connection.

i took your advice and called bigponds so called 'help desk'

our conversation went a little like this

me "hi i was wondering if you could help me with p2p sharing"
ISP man "no"
me "is there anyone else who could help me?"
ISP man "not really, whats the problem"
me "i cant use p2p sharing"
ISP man "i cant help you"
me "can u tell me if bigpond blocks p2p sharing"
ISP man "i dont know"
me "so no one can help me fix it"
ISP man "you will have to get a computer technician to fix it"

end of conversation.

what to do!?
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