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Old May 9th, 2007
DawgfatherJr DawgfatherJr is offline
Join Date: May 8th, 2007
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DawgfatherJr is flying high
Default Problems with "Need more sources" with files that are obviously good

Howdy everyone. First time poster, but definitely not a Limewire Newbie, as I've been using it for years.

To answer some of the "stock" questions, I connect from home, am using Limewire Pro 4.12.11, Java 1.6.0_01, Windows Vista Ultimate, cable modem, Symantec Anti-Virus, etc. etc. I've successfully downloaded lots of files.

OK, so here's what's happening. I'm attempting to download an episode from a television show. It's a major one, and we'll just call it "Show 2-6" because its name starts with a 2 and it's in its 6th season. When I do a search for Show 2-6, I get lots of hits (usually one per episode), the majority of which I believe to be legitimate. However, when I try to download any one of the episodes, it shows a status of "Connecting..." for about a minute, and then the status switches to "Need More Sources". It doesn't just happen with some of the results--it happens with all of them.

Now, I have read quite a few of the other threads on here, and pretty much all of the feedback has been similar to something like the following: "The files are probably fake. Check Bitzi." etc. etc. However, I am almost positive that these search results are legit, because the file size of all of them is around 350MB, which, of course, is the "standard" file size for a "1 hour" (i.e. 42 minute w/o commercials) HDTV show ripped to DivX. Every single file (of which there are about 100 distinct hits with multiple #'s of files shared per hit) hovers right around this 350MB size.

Next, just to make sure that it's not a problem with my installation of LimeWire or some other random problem associated with my machine, I tested it by downloading some episodes from a different show. Let's call this one "Show L-3", because its name starts with an L and is in its 3rd season. No problems here--these all downloaded just fine.

So, my question is this: Is Limewire "blocking" some shows and not others? Or if not, is there something I need to do in order to allow me to download episodes of "show 2-6"? Any ideas?


Last edited by DawgfatherJr; May 9th, 2007 at 12:17 AM.
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