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Old May 9th, 2007
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
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That looks like a graphics card issue, you may need a new one or you may have to update the drivers....

I just did a troubleshoot on my comp and the instructions say to do this...
Are your display settings appropriate for your hardware?

  • The following procedure might require you to restart your computer, which will close this troubleshooter. If possible, view this troubleshooter on another computer while you perform the steps on the computer you are troubleshooting.
    1. Right-click the page displayed on your screen, and then click Print.
    2. Follow the steps in the printed copy of the procedure.
    3. After your computer restarts, reopen this troubleshooter and answer each question as you answered it initially.

      When you reach this page again, answer the question at the bottom, and then click Next.
Some display properties, if set incorrectly for your display adapter (video card), can prevent Windows from working correctly. Adjusting these settings might fix the proble
  1. Open ]Display Properties in Control Panel.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. If you are using multiple display support, click the icon for the monitor whose settings you want to change.
  4. If you are not in safe mode, try each of the following steps. (In safe mode, these settings are already set to minimum values.)
    • In Color quality, click a lower setting.
    • Reduce the size of your desktop by moving the Screen Resolution slider to the left.
    • Click Advanced, and check the Adapter and Monitor tabs for a Refresh Frequency setting. If this setting is available, choose a lower refresh rate or use the default setting for the adapter.
  5. After you make your changes, or to accept the safe mode settings, click OK. Restart your computer if you are prompted to do so. Do not select Safe Mode
  6. Note
  • To open Display Properties, click Start, click Control Panel, click Appearance and Themes, and then click Display.
  • Setting the refresh frequency too high can permanently damage some older monitors. Do not set your refresh frequency higher than the limit specified in the documentation that accompanied your monitor.
Does changing your display settings solve the problem?

Let me know if that helped, if it didn't I will select no and see where it take me then...

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