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Old May 15th, 2007
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birdy birdy is offline
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Did you click on the blue link in my last post & follow the advice?

If you're a leaf node shielded by an ultrapeer, that's no problem. Ultrapeers are people with a fast connection, who aren't firewalled. They handle more search traffic than a leaf & shield the leafs from unnecessary search a leaf only sees incomong searches (in the monitor window) that apply to their shared files. There's no disadvantage in being a leaf.

Delete LW's preferences folder when LW's properly closed. See point 3 below (also point 2 if you've used much older versions of LW in the past...there might be a folder in either location).
Fixes for LimeWire
This will kill all of your settings within options. You'll have to go back through & reset things afterwards.
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