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Old March 2nd, 2002
colin_r colin_r is offline
Join Date: February 20th, 2002
Posts: 12
colin_r is flying high

well like i said its only a niggling problem - i think the rest of the program is truly briliant - i feel guilty for critiscing it lol - in fact if u select the entry u want u can remove it using the butons at the botom rather than the alt pull down menu - wich can cuase the selection to change without u realising it.

u mention this is on your todo list, maybe u cld publish this list somewhere if it isnt already.

the rest of the program seems to work fine to me - i think the way it keeps retrying other hosts works splendidly - this seems such an esential feature of a download manager yet many dont have it, although i havnt noticed it finding more than 2 hosts to try the multisegmented dl yet.

as discused in my other thread - if all hosts are off line it gives up - as u say it would be a good idea to change it so it keeps rsearching - i think i would like to see this at the top of the todo list, then i think it would be the best of all the file sharing clients -
then i could be pretty sure of it geting all the files for me if i just left it for long enuf - i think this is the one and only criteria i have for choosing a file sharing program.

there are im sure many other features/improvements that have been sugested or in the pipeline but i feel this will have the most benefit.

I did download the sourcecode sometime ago and started looking the transfer window issue but i cant seem to find the latest code anymore, i remember it seemed farilry easily fixable - but then doesnt it always.

oh btw it seems to crash when it runs out of disk space - but ive bought a 80gb drive so this shdlnt be a problem for a while at least anyway.
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