well there only seems to be 2 difernces to me between the two
1) the icons for conect/preferences etc wich are much sexier - (they are easier to decipher)
2) the adition of the adverts and web stuff etc wich sucks.
it seems a bit cheeky to me to just to use gnucleus like this but i
i wonder if are they going to keep up with any new features/improvemnets that are done on the open source code?
and if they make any changes are they going to keep it open source - i assume they are obliged to.
it does however seem to vindicate gnucleus .. ppl can now say gnuclues is morpheos without the anyoying adverts -or visa versa, therefore i can see that gnuclues may posibly benefit from this.
i notice that they have not done anything regarding the issues that have been raised ie transfer list and re searching when all hosts are offline.
if gnuclues makes these improvements and morpheus doesnt keep up gnuclues will be way ahead.
ps. I just noticed that under the help about it says it includes gnucleus under the genral public license |