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Old May 18th, 2007
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If you're seeing search results then you're your problem is different. Click on the link here & follow that advice.
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AnnoyedInNJ, temptationx, serenedream17, & drambuie0521,
What version of Java are you using (drambuie I know you've got 1.6.0_01)? In LW click on Help > about LW & you'll see your Java version. People using Win XP & the 1.6.0_01, reinstall this older version of Java. Use the offline installer & remove your current version of Java before you install this other one.
Java SE Downloads - Previous Release - JDK 5

If you're using Vista then you won't be able to use that Java 1.5, you'll have to use Java 1.6. In that case, reinstall Java 1.6.0_01. Use the JRE offline installer & remove the original Java version before installing the new one.
Java SE Downloads
If you've suddenly started seeing the firewall icon (when it wasn't there before), make sure that your software firewall is allowing LW. Reconfigure the firewall if need be.

Delete LW's preferences folder when LW's properly closed. This has fixed connection problems for some people. See point 3 in the thread below (also point 2 if you've used much older versions of LW in the past...there could be a folder in either location).
Fixes for LimeWire
This will kill all of your settings within options. You'll have to go back through afterwards & reset things.
If you're using Vista you might need this info about how to show hidden files & folders within Vista: LimeWire Pref Folder in Vista

If that's no help...some people have had connection issues due to a recent Windows update. Check out this thread & see what Mickjapa108 says about it. He tells you how to check if you have this uupdate.

If you're still stuck then please give us your system details so that we can try to help more.
System details - help us to help you
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