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Old May 18th, 2007
Valus Valus is offline
Join Date: May 15th, 2007
Posts: 14
Valus is flying high

So because your not having any problems your assuming there are none????

Thats real smart,

and your forgetting what i said several times b4, The Pre-Vista Versions of Limewire worked completly fine these new Versions do not work,

And there are several problems with Vista, theres compatibility with Aero, there's random infinite type loop errors when Admin rights is enabled.

Again because you are not experincing them does not mean they do not exist, that is the point of a beta release too, to test and get the bugs out of software before an actual release.

If there where no such problems then there would be no need for a "beta"

Now in regards to Drivers you seem to be bent on it being a "Driver" issue, now explain to me how several different systems using several different types of Drivers all have the exact same type of problem???

My Personal system
MSI K8 Neo 4 PE
AMD 64 X2 3800+
2gigs ram
1x300Gig SATA 300
Logitech g15
Razor Copperhead
SB X-Fi Fatality EXtreme Gamer Pro

4 Server systems Transport GT20 (B2865) - 3 Vista Ultimates, 1 Home Server Beta
Parts ranging from
AMD Dual Core Opteron 165, and 175
with 2gigs ECC ram each
1-4 500gig SATA 300
1-2x PCI 10/100/1000 Nic

1 Latop
Enpower 630
Intel Chipset 945iGm
1gig Ram
80gig SATA 300
G15 Logitech
Razor Cooperhead

Now explain how all these systems coud have the exact same problem let me know what Driver would be the same across the board on all of these.

Since your not having any of my problems why don't you explain to me what your systems specs are.

also needing to update your JAVA would not be considered a problem.

so what your trying to tell me is that Because since you and the rest of the world have no problems there are none is what it comes down too?

and that my problems must be a fluke along with the other poster and several other people i personaly know that are having this problem?
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