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Old May 19th, 2007
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birdy birdy is offline
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Try the advice here.
Problems with the search

If that doesn't help then delete LW's preferences folder when LW's properly closed. See point 3 below (also point 2 if you've used much older versions of LW in the past...there could be a folder in either location).
Fixes for LimeWire
This will kill all of your settings within LW's options, you'll have to go back through & reset things afterwards

The orange warning banner with the padlock was added because there's a bogus LW update showing up in search results. It's a 75.7 KB .exe & shows up as "Urgent LW update - download & install now". If people download that thing they could end up infected. To try to prevent careless people from downloading a dangerous file, the warning banner was added to LW's interface.

The padlock symbol doesn't apply to music or video

BTW, is your LW connected properly (how many green connection bars do you see)? If there's a connection problem, check here.
Connection problems? Check here first!
And tell us your system details.
System details - help us to help you
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