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Old May 21st, 2007
Twisted_Teal Twisted_Teal is offline
Join Date: May 21st, 2007
Posts: 1
Twisted_Teal is flying high

Hi, Apologies in advance if this has been answered previously, but I havent been able to navigate through the entire site yet as it is so huge.

I have a problem with accessing Limewire (or other similar like Bittorrent) simultaneously when my partner is using on his machine. We're connected to the net (ADSL2) via a Netgear Router (wired and wireless). One can use it successfully, but as soon as the other person launches the program the 2nd person to open has a Firewall msg displayed at the bottom of the program...

Does anyone have a solution they'd like to share???

Thanking you in anticipation.
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