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Old May 25th, 2007
Covey Covey is offline
Join Date: May 23rd, 2007
Posts: 5
Covey is flying high
Exclamation Forcing your Ip for Limewire.

Ok, i've finally figured out my problem why people can't download from me (i can't upload). It is because of my SpeedTouch 536 v6 ADSL Moderm. It has a NAT IP. So i just need for someone to explain how i force my ip. Thanks.

I got this information from this:
3. Finally, if you are using NAT (meaning that the IP address of your machine is 10.x.x.x or 192.x.x.x ) now, might be able to connect, search and download from the network but no one will be able to upload from you. If you have taken the advise of others to force your IP using limewire then your half way there, as your port forwarding is working correctly. But, you need to FORCE THE IP OF YOUR ROUTER or FIREWALL to the network. To find out what your ip is from the machine that you use to get on Gnutella open a web browser to -
(write this IP down and force this IP in Limewire) If you need help testing this Just post a reply to this thread.
That is taken from this thread -

Thread merged.

Last edited by birdy; May 25th, 2007 at 05:32 AM. Reason: Merging
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