Thread: Pro is a joke
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Old May 26th, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough


You are one of the few junior member that realises what it means to use a P2P application like Limewire and the gnutella network, most members, both junior and experienced, think it is download on demand. And what is even worse, they will not take the time to find out that they are mistaken.

The main thing about the network is that no-one promises that you will find what you are looking for, no-one says that the network it is safe and secure to use and, above all, no-one can guarantee anyone anything at all, because if they do they're lying.

Using the gnutella network is a voyage of discovery involving the navigation of pitfalls, traps and all sorts of nasty things, e.g. viruses, spams, bogus files etc. However, if you are willing to put up with all that the rewards can be immense.

Still, and time after time, we have people continually bombarding this forum with their petty gripes, stupidity and ignorance, I just wish these people would grow up.

UK Bob
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