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Old March 11th, 2001
milhouse_ph milhouse_ph is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: March 7th, 2001
Posts: 78
milhouse_ph is flying high

it's gonna be hard to tell, Limewire doesn't go out and standardize it's search results what you see is the names of the files on other people's computers that's all... so if I wanted to I could label a porno as "Radiohead Live in Concert.avi" or I could label a full album "Homework 12/07/01.mp3" You kinda have to go through and take your best guess. Go for the larger file sizes and specify "full album" in your search. You might not get any results and you may have to assemble the album song by song. Gnutella doesn't have the user base that Napster does and therefore finding things can sometimes be a little tougher.
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