BTW how many Big Macs can you buy for the price of LW Pro .. about 4 right. So how about stuffing your face with 4 burgers for 15 minutes. j/k
Gnutella has a whole multitude of programs that use it. It has been so successful that the likes of the RIAA, etc. have done their best to try to stop it using many means including trying to spam the network. But they can't stop the network itself because it's not owned by any single company. It's people power. So now you know that it's up to you how to get the most out of LW. It works amazingly for me. But we don't have a clue about you because you didn't come here detailing your system details looking for help, but just to flame. Your thread topic says that. People wouldn't keep renewing their pro if they thought it was crap. |